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SHAPED - short for the "Swiss Health Alliance for Interprofessional Education" is a students- and young-professional-based association, which aims to further interprofessional education (IPE) within the healthcare system in Switzerland. Our goal is to promote IPE in Switzerland and thereby strengthen collaboration in the healthcare sector. We are convinced that this is not only something future patients will profit from, but also a key factor that will lead to a more sustainable working atmosphere in healthcare institutions. To reach this goal, SHAPED creates opportunities for students and young professionals across all healthcare professions to improve their interprofessional skills and actively engage in interprofessional work and exchange.


psyCH is the umbrella association of Swiss psychology students, which means that psyCH represents and promotes the interests of students in psychology on a national level.


The Swiss Pharmaceutical Students’ Association (asep), represents over 1'000 pharmaceutical students from around Switzerland. Its vision is to connect and represent pharmaceutical students in Switzerland nationally and internationally and to provide them with an empowering platform for networking, interprofessional exchange and self-development and to therefore contribute to public health.


The Swiss Medical Students' Association (swimsa) is the voice of over 9'000 medical students from all over Switzerland. It commits itself to creating a sustainable, healthy society and motivates medical students through innovative engagement to become better doctors.